There's just no telling when a baby's finally going to decide to make an appearance... but some signs point unequivocally to NOW! This morning, my baby boy August decided it was his time, and he's happily at home after a (quick!) and easy birth and delightfully unexpected family meet and greet.
All the excitement of the day started shortly after going to bed last night. I was introduced to the concept of hypnobirthing during my pregnancy with Sunday, and lately started listening myself to sleep through a meditative cd. As Ray and I lay in bed visualizing the arrival of our new addition, I suddenly sat straight up in bed with a catch in my throat. As my loud hacks died down, I felt... intuition perhaps? Whatever it's name, the feeling that I'd better get out of bed was quickly followed by the relief that I had managed to do so; my water had broke! Ray went downstairs to get me a towel, a Depends :-), and to call our midwife Susan and my mom, who would need to watch the girls for us. This was about 11pm. By 11:15, I'd made my way downstairs and also called checked in with Susan and texted my best friend, Jennifer, who would serve as both doula and photographer. Everyone agreed that we'd meet at the Birthing Inn of Tacoma at 12:30- which seemed like plenty of time but just barely was :-o
Getting food ready, double checking our pre-packed bags, and rousing the girls to transport them to the car and tuck them into their seatbelts took just long enough for me to wonder if I'd be giving birth in the Highlander... but lucky for me, we got over the bridge in record time and our welcome party was cozily busy inside, preparing for our arrival.
I had to laugh to myself in between contractions as the kids talked a mile a minute all the way there. Of course, I was laughing carefully! Another good laugh was internalized when my mom came to help me out of the car. I told her, no, I'd just wait for Ray to walk me in and she said, Well, it's not like you're ready to push or anything, are you? Well, yes, I said, I was. Vroom! She hightailed it inside, probably recalling that moments just before she'd first met me! The funny part was, here I was still out in the car, deep breathing and holding the baby in- ALONE.
Finally, I was escorted the short distance to my room and helped into the tub after a quick bathroom stop. I still had time enough between contractions to pause for candid photo ops of course :-) Ahhh, the relief of the warm water was absolutely what I need to slow down and collect my wits.
There aren't words that can express what it is to be able to rely on those who love you to keep you tethered to the moment while making you comfortable too. Ray cushioned me in the exact position I had envisioned while Jennifer thoughtfully ran warm water between contractions to keep me relaxed.
Now August was a different story! That kid was barreling down the birth canal so fast I literally had to hold his head in and ask him as nicely as possible to just hold on and give mama a chance to catch up <3 I'll spare you those photos but I love that my friend knew I'd want them to look back on and hid within the pages of my scrapbook for future memory enhancement.
I can remember reaching down to feel his head as it emerged every time I stroke his hair- it gives me goosebumps of love every time. I hadn't experienced the births of my girls quite so intimately, and I felt that even in the most overwhelming of moments that I was still in control and welcoming my son to join us in the most open way possible. My teacher, Susan Boyle, was instrumental in instilling me with the confidence to trust my body and breathe through the intensity.
With Rays arms around me, we reached out together to hold August while the umbilical cord was gently moved off of his shoulders, and then our littlest child yet was ours to admire. "Gust"-y little squawks pierced the air and unbeknownst to me, my mom and the girls were out in the waiting room saying he sounded like a baby blue jay! What a happy surprise to find they hadn't left after all, and within moments the three of them were able to come in and see us and share that special time before we got out of the water.
cozy as can be |
Bradshaw, party of five |
Although his birth record says he weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces, I believe he lived up to my prediction of 7.9 because he'd had a chance to poop by the time he hit the scale, and well, because I'm the mom and I say so lol. 19 inches of pure potential. A full head of hair to cover his tiny skull containing a brain ready to absorb and learn all that it can. Born at 1:39am on October 12th and back home before 10 this morning to get used to the outside world, we welcome you, sweet child of ours <3
August Ray Lawson Bradshaw |