Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This is the color of a dream come true

Finally I have adhered my pocketful of confetti from the Prince concert!

I don't know why the picture above won't turn the right way, but it doesn't matter how you look at it, the page was a lot of fun to make.

I have kept a somewhat tidy pile of confetti on my crafting table for five months and now it is safely glued down. Reliving the experience of going to see Prince with my mom was not nearly as great as going!

I wanted to tell a lot of the story so I just filled up the white space, or in this case, red space, around my pictures and ephemera, including original ticket stubs. After this photo was uploaded here,  I added loads of bling and pearl stick-ons galore in little clusters. Heart shaped red blings on the photos finished 'er up!

The title of this blog post was inspired by a recent idea I read about sorting scrapbook paper. The idea was something along the lines of sorting the paper by emotions, or the feeling of the layout it may be included on. So, what is the color of a dream come true? Apparently for me it is a lot energetic red and fantastic purple, dotted with sparkle and shine!

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